The Best Position For Sex With A Bad Back!

September 15, 2014

Here at XEscorts we always like to give sex advice. Usually it is the best way to give you partner the ride of their life, or some other fantastic tips to help you get your days and night go with a bang. However, I have never done anything on what to do if one of the partners has an injury which could make having sex at all very difficult indeed.

Take a guy having back pain for example. He doesn’t want to know how to get into incredible positions, because let’s face it…he can’t.

A Fascinating Study

Well, A group of scientists at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, have documented precisely how the spine moves during sex, , and therefore what position is best for anyone struggling.

They used information gathered by infrared and electromagnetic motion capture systems and checked how ten couples moved during five sexual positions. There findings were fascinating.

It seems that with the thrusting, doggy style is the best and spooning (which is the one where both couples are on their side) isn’t in fact the one which helps guys with back pain the most.

Author Natalie Sidorkewicz said: ‘Before now, spooning was often recommended by physicians as the one position that fit all. But as we’ve discovered, that is not the case.

‘Sex positions that are suitable for one type of back pain aren’t appropriate for another kind of pain.

‘For the first time ever, we now have very solid science to guide clinicians on their recommendations for patients who suffer debilitating back pain, but still want to be intimate. This has the potential to improve quality of life – and love-life – for many couples.’

The results for the women will be released in the forthcoming months.

Good Advice

Well, there you go lads. If you you have back pain and want to sleep with anyone; be it a long term partner or a Stockholm escort, you know what position you should be doing.

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Martin Ward
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