Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

March 26, 2015

There are many of us out there who don’t like hospitals. They are such cold, clinical places, and if you are in one, bar child birth, something has likely gone a little bit wrong. However, these places do save lives, and even they may not be our favourite place, if we go into one when we are ill, we do realise it is the right place for us.

June 16, 2014


Here at XEscorts, we have to admit, one of our favourite programme’s on TV has to be ‘Sex Sent Me To The E.R’. We have seen all manner of crazy stories, which to be fair, sound like they have been made up. What is even more incredible is the fact they are 100% real!

April 16, 2014


Sex toys come in all shapes and sizes. Dildo’s and vibrators are found in numerous couples bedrooms these days, and have become part of most men and women’s sex lives. The normalisation of items like this has led to people trying to find more outlandish things to use as sex toys, with sometimes disastrous results.