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September 10, 2015

OK, I will admit it, I’m a man. Therefore I don’t always understand the ‘female experience’. I look at the world and I hear from social media that women find life so hard, but then see that Angela Merkel runs Germany, Hillary Clinton is about to become President, and other women are doing well.

November 7, 2014


A woman in Auckland, New Zealand decided she was going to replicate a New York viral video where numerous guys wolf whistled, and basically harassed the lady. However, there was a problem with this video; no-one at all chatted her up!

May 28, 2014

At a time when most of Europe was veering towards the right wing of politics in the recent European elections, it was wonderful to see my beloved Sweden vote a formal feminist party into the EU parliament. The party even has a Roma woman as its representative.

April 28, 2014

As a woman myself, I have never really been too sure where I stand on American football cheerleaders. Are they pretty dancing girls there to add to the excitement of the game, or is it sexist garbage, where blokes perv at the lovely looking girls whilst drinking beer and watch their team play the game? I’m no rampant feminist, but I’m totally torn on it.